SinaiFree Film Society Discussion, "The Levys of Monticello" 

05 Feb @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The SinaiFree Film Society will discuss “The Levys of Monticello.”

Thomas Jefferson was heavily in debt when he died on July 4, 1826. His beloved home, Monticello, was nearly in ruins when it was purchased a few years later by Uriah Phillips Levy, a Jewish officer in the United States Navy. Over the course of the next 90 years, the Levy family not only owned Monticello but saved it from ruin twice. The remarkable story of the Levys intersects with the rise of antisemitism and the stain of slavery that run throughout American history. We will be joined by descendants of the Levy family, who will share stories beyond those that we hear in this documentary.

The film can be streamed for free on Hoopla and Prime Video; free with ads on Plex and Freevee; and free by subscription on Chai Flicks. It can be rented for $2.99 from Amazon and Apple TV, and for $3.99 from YouTube.