Blood Drive at SFS
11 Feb @ 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Blood Donors are Urgently Needed!
We are hosting our annual Blood Drive at Sinai Free Synagogue sponsored by the New York Blood Center. The sanctity of human life is a basic tenet of Judaism. And one way to help save human lives is by donating blood.
Call Ellen at the office (914) 664-1727 to schedule a specific appointment time or register online HERE. Please bring your friends, relatives, and neighbors. However, if you are not feeling well that day, please stay home! You can always donate at a later date at the Blood Center in Elmsford.
- Some eligibility criteria have changed. Eligibility is now based on individual donor assessment rather than gender or sexual identity. You are eligible to donate if you are between the ages of 17 and 75. If you are 16 you can donate with parental permission (contact Duane at for the form); if you are over 75 you need a note from your doctor specifically allowing you to donate at this blood drive. If you have specific questions concerning your eligibility, such as medical conditions, medications you are taking, or places you have traveled, consult the New York Blood Center website: Note that travel to England or Europe in the 1980s during the Mad Cow Disease scare no longer disqualifies you from giving blood.
- In accordance with Sinai Free Synagogue COVID protocols, masks are strongly encouraged and will be available to anyone who wants one.
- It saves time if you bring your blood donor card with your ID number on it, but first time donors are always welcome.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at
You may sign up HERE or call the synagogue office.
You may also click HERE for the flyer with the QR code to sign up.