Kabbalah Adult Study

12 Jun @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Peter Grand leads our Kabbalah Study.

In the final week of counting omer (measures) Kabbalists contemplate the lower seven divine qualities (sefira) as each finally appears in our real world (malchut, the kingdom.)  On Day 50, Shavuout (literally, weeks), we hear and see divine speech on Mount Zion. A Zoharic and Lurianic Kabbalistic practice is to stay up all night, studying torah.

But don’t worry!  We’ll get plenty of sleep after 49 nights of counting.  Day 50 is the moment of unity and transcendence.  On Shavuout, along with Moses, and passing thru Jungian shadow, we touch fire on the mountain.  Perhaps, in the distance we hear Uncle John’s old band… with young Swiftees all about.

Join for an evening of Sufi mystical poetry, Zen practice, music, and advanced Kabbalistic meditation.