Interfaith Partnerships
Building bridges of understanding
Sinai Free Synagogue is committed to the idea of Tikkun Olam – that caring for others and working to repair the world is an essential part of what it means to be a Jew. This begins by engendering a belief that affirms the special worth of every person and family and that celebrates diversity. We are here to serve the Mount Vernon and southern Westchester Community through a combination of action and dialogue.
To fulfill this commitment we work to bring the community together in various ways to build bridges of connection and promote interfaith understanding. We partner with local churches and mosques to learn about each other’s history, beliefs, and traditions; we also support each other as we strive to improve our world.
We keep lines of communication open, to foster an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. We have come together for programs to commemorate the Holocaust, share a meal in the Sukkah, to celebrate Ramadan and Martin Luther King, Jr Day. We have also studied the New Testament with a local church and participated in the interfaith National Day of Prayer with the Houses of Worship in Bronxville. Rabbi Mo is very active with his colleagues in the clergy of Southern Westchester.