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Join us throughout the year to celebrate the Jewish Holidays

High Holy Days

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We come together each year for a High Holy Days experience that is spiritually meaningful and fulfilling. The Rabbi personally invites members both longtime and new to join him on the Bima for special honors. Service attendees have the opportunity to stand in front of the Ark during Yom Kippur to offer silent prayers. Members are actively involved in planning and leading events during the High Holy Days as well, including children’s services and Yom Kippur study and discussion. Tickets are free for SFS members and available for purchase to anyone who’d like to join our community for the holidays.



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The Sinai Free Synagogue community gathers together to assemble and decorate our homemade sukkah, and then to share meals, attend services, and shake the lulav and etrog.

Simchat Torah

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The favorite holiday of many in our congregation, our family Simchat Torah service commemorates the completion of our annual reading of the Torah and the start of a new reading cycle. Led by Rabbi Mo and Cantor Amy, our service includes congregants gathering together to sing and dance and take part in the unrolling of the Torah.


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Hanukkah is a special time at Sinai Free Synagogue. We celebrate with an annual dinner in memory of Fred Selsky, a past President and Chairman of the Board who embodied and lived the values of SFS. We join together in song, festivities, and food. We all bring our menorahs and light them together, filling the evening with joy, laughter, and a strong sense of community. 


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At Purim we gather together in song, in costume and in joyous celebration of the story of the Jewish people being saved from the evil plot of Haman (“Boooo!”). Mishloach Manot – delightful gift bags full of sweets including traditional hamentashen – are distributed to the entire congregation in keeping with an age-old custom of sending gifts of food to friends and family.


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SFS welcomes anyone who wants to experience a Passover Seder to celebrate with us on the first night of Passover – a time when many people can not be with family or friends. We welcome members, their families, and the greater Jewish community to join us. For information regarding cost and reservations, please check our website or call the office. The first day of Passover we have a Passover morning service and the last day we have a Yizkor memorial service to remember those whom we have lost.


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Shavuot, the completion of the seven-week counting period since Passover, commemorates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. We usually celebrate the graduation of our 10th grade religious school children with a service of Confirmation. It is, also, a time of remembrance, and we reflect with a Yizkor Memorial service.